Both Sides of the Billion Dollar Bailout

There seem to be two sides of the billion dollar bailout that Congress is considering. We must have a billion dollar bailout to save the economy is the first. The second side says that the billion dollar bailout will only save the asses of the bankers who caused the credit crunch.

Any time you deal with ideological thinkers, you'll find that both sides are right... and wrong... at the same time.

The first group that believes the billion dollar bailout will save the economy probably thinks the billion dollar bailout will be an overnight solution. It's doubtful that it will. However, the added liquidity will begin the process to un-clog the credit markets, where the problem is centered.

On the other side, some see the billion dollar bailout as a way to help greedy bankers. It would be hard to not see that poor financial management decisions on the part of the banks are partially responsible for the crisis; on the other hand, poor financial decisions were made by millions of Americans who took risky loans in areas prone to the real estate bubble. Maybe the greed was on all sides. However, these against the billion dollar bailout point out that there appears to be lots of "pork" in the bailout.

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