Current Fed Fund Rate

Why is the Current Fed Fund Rate Important?

The current fed fund rate is set at 2 percent. It was recently announced that there would be no change to the current fed fund rate because of the economic uncertainty and the United States sluggish economic growth.

The Federal Reserve Board, who sets the current fed fund rate, is walking a tightrope, most analysts say. If they cut the current fed fund rate, they may devalue American currency and spark inflation; however, if they raise the rates too high, they may curtail the economic recovery.

The fed rate is a major economic driver of not just the American economy, but the global economy, as well. Economists pay keen attention to the current fed fund rate. Any movements of the current fed fund rate can cause ripple effects throughout the world.

Besides the obvious effect that the fed fund rate has on the current economy, there is also a psychological factor of the rate. The current fed fund rate mirrors the board's emotions on the economy and perhaps, in a larger sense, on Americans' view of the economy.

The current fed fund rate is just one key to understanding the economy and trading wisely.

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