Stock Analysis Software and Your Portfolio

Will stock analysis software help you make more money?

It could. Stock analysis software is used by self-directed traders and investors to determine if the stocks in their portfolio--or stocks they are thinking of adding to their portfolio--will continue to earn money. Traders who short stocks--or buy high and sell low--similarly use stock analysis software to find stocks that are weakening.

Stock analysis software helps traders look at a variety of factors that can determine whether a stock increases in price, or decreases. This includes technical and fundamental factors.

Usually, a trader enters the ticker symbol of the asset into the stock analysis software and the software outputs the information. Charts and graphs are also constructed by some stock analysis software.

There are problems with stock analysis software. First, there are so many stocks and so many factors that can affect the stock price that it's hard for the investor, even if he or she is using stock analysis software, to predict how the stock will move. Secondly, factors that influence a stock price change as the market conditions change. Another problem, the market can move too fast for stock analysis software. By the time the research has been completed and the trade executed, the opportunity may have passed.

Online Investing AI uses advanced technology--much more advanced than typical stock analysis software--to determine how an asset will perform. But, unlike typical stock analysis software, this system can locate opportunities and execute the trade immediately. And, since it's an autotrading system that trade is made directly to a compatible trading account in seconds.

For more information about autotrading software, check and learn how to Get Rich Smart.